Friday, November 6, 2009

do you believe the world will end in 2012?
well i dont.

the most popular theory on why this is so is because the mayan calendar ends on that day thus it's end of the world.

but there are also many other theories for exmaple
aliens will come and abduct us and kill us.

no im not kidding. this is what i found on the net.

Aliens from the Planet Nibiru

According to and Gorilla199, Planet X was first observed by cavemen using the reflections on a lot of puddles stacked on top of each other. It is believed to be a black dwarf planet on a crash course with Earth's orbit.

When Planet X (Nibiru) hits Earth, the race of ancient Sumerian aliens who live on it will invade, using our bodies as nourishment for unknown purposes.

But why doesn't NASA admit it exists?


There is a global conspiracy of international governments hiding the facts from us. NASA is involved in the cover-up, and are actually controlled by aliens.
To avoid mass panic.
Pursue their own, greedy agendas.
NASA hates people from England and thinks it's funny to let them set up an Olympic game then all die.

like what?? it is so unbelievable.

so how did they idea come about?
ideas relating to the 21st of December 2012 have been circulating like a powerful cheese fart for decades now. It seems that the current ideas relating to the Mayan/old Mexican Calendar system, known as the Long Count, began becoming popular with the emergence of Eastern Philosophy and Thought in Western Culture in the 1960's. The Mayan Civilization created a complex calendar which tracks the days in a very similar way to our current calendar system. This calendar system comes to its end on December 21st 2012. The reason for this is still a mystery

i think it's bull.
i believe the world will come to an end one day but not on dec 21st 2012.
just because the calendar of some civillisation has stopped thus pple assume
oh it's the end of the world!

really why do we let the mayans, a grp of pple who existed before Christ was even born, to dictate when the world will end?
seriously who are they anyway?
according to th wikipedia

The Maya is a Mesoamerican civilization, noted for the only known fully developed written language of the pre-Columbian Americas, as well as its art, architecture, and mathematical and astronomical systems. Initially established during the Preclassic period (c. 2000 BC to 250 AD), many Maya cities reached their highest state development during the Classic period (c. 250 AD to 900 AD), and continued throughout the Postclassic period until the arrival of the Spanish. At its peak, it was one of the most densely populated and culturally dynamic societies in the world

okay so now we know how ancient they are. and because of some theory they made thousands of years ago, everyone believes it. are they really that reliable? on what exactly did they base their theory on?

if u find out more about the mayan civilisation, u'll find that The Mayans had a very precise understanding of our solar system's cycles and believed that these cycles coincided with our spiritual and collective consciousness.

wow how genuis they based their theories on the moon stars and sun.
how could they? telescope was not even made. there was no tools to aid them so how did they do it? i dont know
they believed in cycles and stuff. not only that they believe in many god like god of the suns, god of the moons you know etc
these "gods" were merely idols.

now here's a scary fact :
The Maya practiced human sacrifice. In some Maya rituals people were killed by having their arms and legs held while a priest cut the person's chest open and tore out his heart as an offering. This is depicted on ancient objects such as pictorial texts, known as codices. It is believed that children were often offered as sacrificial victims because they were believed to be pure

i dont know about you but if u ask me the maya were pretty creepy and demonic to me.
their religion consisted of self-created idols
they practised demonic rituals
they based their theories on the solar system without simple tools

ok so maybe they were such geniuses like Egyptians they didnt need tools. alot of therioes made by the egyptian are true. they studied the solar system and know when harvest will come,when the nile river will flood and stuff, how come the egyptians never predicted a similiar theory to confirm the mayan theory since they both heavily based their calendars on the solar system and they both worshipped idols.maybe the ans to that is they simply dont know when the world will end thus they did not try to be smart and mislead pple like the unintellectual mayas.

i find the fact that people all over the world have bought some ancient theory by some ancient scary civilisation is ridiculous. they have allowed some highly unbelievable theory to screw with their minds and the send whole world into a mad frenzy. this theory is not even scientifically proven. according to the Bible, no one will know when the world will end. not even the angels in heaven will know. only God.
at least the Bible has credibility, it is a fact the Jesus existed on earth before. even for those who dont believe the Bible, with some common sense, you'll know which carries more credibility.certainly not some ancient theory by some ancient demonic civilisation

the thing is so highly publicized that even hollywood has created a movie on it.
hollywood sure knows how to make a quick and big buck when it see one.

every movie in hollywood is made to earn millions. that is why they generally have happy endings. so that u'll feel happy watching a hollywood movie and will watch the NEXT movie they produce.they have exploited this speculation, this theory to make $$. with half they world believing this shitty theory ,guessing,agonising over what Doom day would be like, what better storyline then that to interest billions of pple all over the world?

this has accelerated and strengthen the spread of this belief around the whole.
because of this movie more pple will watch it, more will believe this because the movie seems so real( the movie is only so life-like due to its big budget cost)
more pple will suddenly be more liberated in what they do because the world is going to end soon anyway. this will accelerate crime rates. pple will start to indulge in the greatest forbidden temptations and sins because of this.
this is the greatest tragedy

i really hope pple wont go around killing each other on the streets on the 20th of dec 2012. i shudder to think what pple might do on the eve of doomsday. kill pple they dont like? rape random women? rob the banks? kill their parents? bomb places?

the producers and directors of the movie will be laughing their way to the bank in their diamond-embellished limos very soon at the expense of human stupidity


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