Thursday, June 11, 2009

It's close to 6 in the morning and i havent sleep.

i have been havin insomnia for the past few days and it sucks.
the only reasons i can think of is my afternoon/evening/ night naps anddddddd the freaking hot oven-like singapre temperature.

let's talk weather: i hate the weather.
have u realise that it's like 34c everyday in humid ,overcrowded,concrete jungle, skyscraper-infested tiny little sg? like there isnt enougH people to supply body heat in sg to keep the country warm enough.

and on top of that, mother nature is sending a mini heat wave upon sg for godknowwhat reason.

why? becos of irresponsible people who cant be bothered to reduce their freaking carbon footprints to allow everyone on this planet to lead a better, more corfortable lives.
what a selfish bunch.

i have tried many ways to overcome the heat by wearing lesser to sleep.
so i ditch my froggie pjs for a girly nightey.
no it doesnt help. i still feel the f.heat.

oh and i also gave the mosquitos meal made from my blood. not to mention, i ended up with horrid hideous bites on places i dont wanna mention. and they are really itchy.
this is just one of my many ways.

it's now 6 .10. i dont feel sleepy. it's starting to worry me. sleeeeeepppp come too meeee.

now lets talk abt the naps.
it's not my fault the weather is so hot it makes you wanna stay under the covers tthe whole day.
from today onwards. i pledge not to take afternoon.eveningnight naps to reset my bodyclock to normalcy.

now i hear the ahbengs downstairs make fools of themslves. i think they're wrestling or something like that. i think they have insomnia too just like me. poor things.

i suddenly have
this inspiration: im gonna start my detox tmr. healthy mind= healthy body.
im making a trip to the grocery shop tmr.

its 6 .20 now.
i shall now stop writing and lie on my bed and wait for-with some divine help- sleep to come to me.

good morning!


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